There are 2032 articles

  • The channels of Zakah

    Allah Almighty classifies the eligible recipients of Zakah under eight categories. He, Almighty Says (what means): "Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [Zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah.. More

  • Concepts clarified in the Quran -II

    The concept of the conflict between the followers of truth and those of falsehood: This conflict can only be to the advantage of the Muslims if their ranks are cleared of hypocrites and those of weak faith. If any believing group wishes to attain victory from Allah, then it must fulfil the requirements of victory as Allah explains to us in the following.. More

  • Makkah - The dearest of all lands to Allah and His Messenger

    The Value of Glorifying the Sacred City: The importance of values lies in the fact that they are the criterion by which people, ideologies, actions, positions and subjects can be judged and measured; moreover, values decide the identity of the community; the values in a given community have a direct effect and influence on the manners and conduct which.. More

  • True belief

    Anas, may Allaah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: “No one of you becomes a true believer until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Islam, through its instructions and legislations, was keen to organize people’s relation with their Lord the.. More

  • The learned master of the Ummah, ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas

    He is the glorious Companion, ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, the paternal cousin of the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He was born three years before the Hijrah, and gave the pledge of allegiance to the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, when he was very young, and had.. More

  • Questions that the Jews posed to the Prophet

    Question: I heard that when Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, started preaching Islam, the Jews were very upset and they wanted to test him to find out whether he was a true Prophet, so they prepared 40 difficult questions and asked him. Is this true, if yes, please, explain what are the 40 questions and what were the answers given.. More

  • Sharing Religious Spirituality with Spouse

    Question Assalamu alaykum: I have been married for a few years. My husband agreed to accept Islam. We agreed to live as Muslims by performing the prayer and the fast to begin with. Praise be to Allah, we lived good years practicing Islam together and even managed to get out of interest by selling some of our property. To give you a brief background.. More

  • Struggling with Severe OCD

    Question Asalamu alaykum, Shaykh. May Allah bless u. Please read everything before answering the question. I really need this question answered, and I have asked other shaykhs, but they did not give good answers like you. I am not insane, so you do not have to worry. I study at university and am at the top of my class. How can I be insane if I.. More

  • Doubs regarding Suitor

    Question Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I have a question regarding choosing a spouse and the ruling in Islam. I have known an Arab man from Algeria for about a year and two months, and I am a Muslim non-Arab. He is 29 while I am 33 years old and have been divorced since more than two years. We met about four months ago, and he visited.. More

  • The Islamic ruling on Al-Luqatah (lost and found)

    Definition Linguistically, 'Al-Luqatah' refers to anything that is found and picked up from the ground. Technically, as Imam Ibn Qudamah, may Allaah have mercy upon him, a Muslim scholar, defined it as: 'Property that the owner loses and a person finds and takes away (to preserve it in trust).' Legal Validity Muslim scholars vary about the ruling... More

  • Women in Da'wah - III

    Training in the field of Da'wah: On the theoretical side of this step, training women to work in the field of Da'wah (call to Islam) may need to consider the following aspects: - Educational preparation through providing a good presentation of appropriate materials. - Psychological preparation by ensuring that the women callers have faith.. More

  • Means of Acquiring Refined Morals

    Undeniably, changing one's morals for the better is the toughest change for the human being, but it is not impossible. There are many ways and methods to help one acquire refined morals, which include the following: Pure creed: Having a pure creed is a serious matter, as one's conduct and behavior are, very often, the fruits of one's creed and ideology... More

  • The congregational prayer

    The virtues of the congregational prayer: Performing the obligatory prayers in congregation is mandatory and required of every believing adult male who has no excuse for not doing so. Many authentic Hadeeths highlight the superiority and excellence of praying in congregation. Among these Hadeeths are: The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said:.. More

  • Infallibility of the Prophets - I

    Infallibility is a must for Prophets as Models The infallibility of the Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, is an established fact based on reason and tradition. Reason requires the infallibility of the Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, because the Prophets came to convey to people the Message of Allah. If we liken this Message or the.. More

  • Concepts clarified in the Quran -I

    The role of the Quran in shaping the Muslim personality:The treasures of the Quran are hidden and buried as far as many Muslims are concerned, as they have not yet discovered these precious treasures that Allah has placed in it. Besides the fact that a Muslim is rewarded for reciting the Quran and applying its rulings, it is also the case that the.. More

Hajj virtues