Is it lawful or unlawful for a woman (sister) to wear pastel colors or any other bright colors? And why is it lawful or unlawful? Provide proof and evidence from Qur'an and Sunnah, or from some scholarly knowledge!.. More
I have been married for nine years. I made the mistake by having anal sex nine times with my wife, but I stopped this. I am very sad for what I did. What must I do? I will do it... More
My husband is working in a company in Dubai. The owner of the company is a non-Muslim. Is it permitted to work in his company if he does not have any objection for the prayers, etc... More
Is the man allowed to wear a watch mixed with a little gold (the frame of the watch is gold)?.. More
I would like to know what is difference between being Islamic and being Muslim? Some people say some people are Islamic but not Muslim and some are Muslim but not Islamic... More
I am a doctor in a western country. Part of my job is to do female sterilization for their patients. What is the Islamic opinion on this?.. More
If I touched my husband accidentally and without sex desire, will my Wudu be valid or invalid?.. More
Please inform me of the name of the Surah (s) that talks about backbiting... More
Please explain the following Hadith: (1) Ibn Umar (Radiya Allahu Anhu) said, "Do not ask about what has not yet occurred. I heard Umar (Radiya Allahu Anhu) cursing the person who asks about things that have not happened". (2) Umar (Radiya Allahu Anhu) said, "It is restrained for you to ask about what has not happened. Indeed there is enough occupation.. More
It has become a tradition for a few of us brothers and sisters to fast on Mondays and come to the Masjid with our food and break our fast together in the Masjid. This reminds us of Ramadan and makes us very happy to encourage other Muslims to fast and join us for Iftar. The other day a Muslim brother told me that what we were doing is not acceptable.. More
I want to get married and pray 5 years for Allah to give me a good husband, but I didn't get one yet. I think that I am not good enough or something's wrong about me so I am not getting what I want now. I gave up to even asking Allah to give me a husband because if I see my past is so bad then I tell myself I don't deserve good. Am I right to think.. More
What is the ruling for abortion after 30 day of pregnancy, the women has 2 small babies, one 16 months, other 4 months? If she has third baby, her husband may lose his job in an European country because the salary is not enough for a five-person family. .. More
Have the 30 Dajjals (Liars) appeared of which Prophet $Muhammad$$ (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) mentioned in his Hadith? Do you know any of them?.. More
How can I know the Qiblah if I go some country that has no sun?.. More
I am a new convert and there is no Masjid in my area, so most times I say Salahs at home by Islamic standards is this wrong? What can I do? Is it a must that every Muslim grow his facial hair?.. More
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