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1224 fatwas

  • New Muslim not fasting during Ramadan

    I'm a new convert to Islam, but as I'm only 16, my parents still don't know that. I come from Croatia, and I would ask how bad is it when I'm unable to perform things like Ramadhaan fasting. I know I'm doing what I can, but it still bothers me... so, please help me with your answer. I know I should maybe tell them, but I think they are not ready.. More

  • Trying to cope with cancer and faith

    I am writing in today because I have just been diagnosed with cancer and I am having a hard time coping. I try to be a good Muslim and as a matter of fact I have recently become stronger in faith than ever before. The problem is that once I received word that I was ill, I started asking "why me" and everyone around me keeps yelling at me saying.. More

  • Unmarried woman living alone

    I was wondering is it permissible for an unmarried woman to move out of her parent's home and live by herself if her parents are still alive? .. More

  • Imaam Mahdi and Prophet 'Eesaa

    I am some what confused on a particular question. Is Imaam Mahdi and 'Eesaa, may Allaah exalt his mention, the same person or are they two different people, as I was told that as Prophets have more than one name i.e. Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, was also known as Ahmed, so is it possible that 'Eesaa is actually called Mahdi?.. More

  • The caste system

    I would firstly like to thank you for the great website that you provide to Muslims around the world. May Allah reward you for this good achievement (Ameen). My question is what does it mean when Allah says I have separated you in tribes and nations so that you can recognize one another? Is this talking about the caste system (where caste.. More

  • Questionable employment

    I have been offered a job to work in a departments store which sell both clothes, perfumes and food, I don't however know if they sell alcohol, the question is this; if my wages are coming from the clothes section that Inshaa Allaah, I will be working in would it be Halaal to work in that shop even though they might sell alcohol? Or although I will.. More

  • Finding treasure on someone's land

    If someone finds a very precious treasure on the land. What is the proper thing to do? Does the treasure belong to the finder or to the land's owner?.. More

  • Medical difficulties with prayer

    I am haemodialysis patient when time for Salaat comes I have either undo nor do I face Qiblah. Shall I wait and pray when I come home or shall I perform Tayammum with right hand that I have free and pray without facing Qiblah... More

  • Bathing during menses

    I would like to know if it's Haraam for a woman to take a shower or a bath during her periods (that what's people say around me)... More

  • Janaazah prayer for deceased woman and children

    What is Du'a to be recited for deceased woman and children in Janaazah prayer? .. More

  • Wants to gain Islamic knowledge but finds difficulty from Muslim lands

    I would like to for you to please assist me in understanding why Muslims in the Arab states make it difficult to migrate there for the sake of Islam. I am a revert to Islam living in South Africa, since my being Muslim I have encountered many things that have made it very difficult for to study Islam in South Africa. I then cam across a Hadeeth.. More

  • Declaring what is Halaal and Haraam

    Do people have right to declare which is Halaal or Haraam? Do we can simply believe that it is not Haraam as long as our body and/or psychology is not being harm? What are general rules of Haraam in Islam? Especially regard to biological\'s demand of people. I believe that as long as health, psychology, religion, and society are not being injured.. More

  • Conducted foreplay almost to point of ejaculation while fasting

    During fasting I had desire to have sexual intercourse. My wife and I are fasting so I foreplay until so much discharge oozes out from my wife's vagina. From my penis a clear fluid came out. But I did not put in my penis into the vagina; we just hugged each other and so on. There was no ejaculation also. Is my fast valid and please explain whether.. More

  • Government accounts that benefit enrolled employees

    The employer will open two accounts with government, when he recruits an employee in Sri Lanka. These are known as Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and Employee Trust Fund (ETF) this is a compulsory otherwise the employer will be prosecuted in the court of Law. Certain percentage will be taken from employee (9%) and certain percentage offered.. More

  • Women praying in congregation led by a woman

    I am asking again the same question. A group of women pray only Taraaweeh not 'Ishaa Salat at home and Qur'aan Hafiz lead the Taraaweeh, they all make one raw and perform Taraaweeh Salat like a Jamaa't. They all want to finish reading a Qur'aan in this way. Is it acceptable according to Sunnah or not? I will appreciate of your time and reply... More