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1224 fatwas

  • Making Du'a after Fardh prayer

    When should one make Du'a after prayer? Prophet said that Du'a after offering Fardh prayers is accepted but I have also read Hadeeth saying that he used to stand after offering Fardh so fast as if he was sitting on a hot stone? So in a prayer for example, in Thuhr should we make Du'a after offering 4 Fardh or after completing the Thuhr that.. More

  • Face transplantation

    In English class we read articles about "face transplants" and I wanted to know the Islamic in depth perspective of such operations, so that I can provide proper feedback to my class mates based on a solid foundation. Please reply as soon as possible - before my next English class! .. More

  • Marriage to a close relative

    I'm currently engaged to one of my aunt's (mother's sister) daughters. My fiancé has a brother who was breastfed from another one of my aunts (another of mother's sister) more than five times. This aunt had a child a couple of months later and of course breastfed her son, and my fiancé's brother. I have never breastfed from anyone of my aunts... More

  • Impregnated woman by fornication

    I am a 42 years-old north African Muslim who lives in the UK. I have divorced from my ex-wife a year ago but I have been alone for more than that as she left before divorce. About 2 month ago "Satan" won against me. I was very week and had sex with one of my female colleagues. 2 weeks after that she said she was pregnant. She did a pregnancy.. More

  • Uncomfortable in un-Islamic studies

    First I highly appreciated how well you are serving our religion and I beg Allaah to be rewarded you and forgives your mistakes also. After that I am MBA student, I intended my knowledge to service our religion besides I know our religion because I was born in Muslim country, my father, mother and all my relatives are Muslim but now I am not with.. More

  • Her fiancé is having second thoughts about her

    I reverted to Islam 2 years ago Al-hamdulillaah, from Hinduism. I am engaged to a man who lives in Iraq and I live in Canada. In the past 4-5 months I spent our money very carelessly. I bought a luxury car, expensive clothes incite of having a university debt I am paying. For this valid reason my fiancé is very upset at me. He has time and time.. More

  • Loses her piety during holidays

    I am an 18 years-old Muslim. I am very interested in learning about our religion. When I am in need of something, I become very pious and righteous. But there is one time when all my piousness goes. That is during the holidays. I become ungrateful to Allaah. I don't know why. Now presently I am waiting my results. And I have holidays for 3.. More

  • Working for a company that provides services to banks

    I have an opportunity to work in a company that provides the following services: consulting, infrastructure, system integration, outsourcing and service technology to the following sectors: public sector, communication, transportation, commercial, media and financial services such as banks. Since this company offers its services to banks as.. More

  • Internet marketing

    I have started working in web marketing where I post announcements about working using the internet (electronic commerce). I don't market any forbidden stuff like dating or anything. Just how to find jobs on Internet and how to improve your life. I need to know if this is permissible or not in Islam. .. More

  • Satan worshipping Allaah

    One time I mentioned in front a child the verse Surah 64 verse: 1. Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the Earth glorifies Allaah. His is the Dominion, and to Him belong all the praises and thanks, and He is Able to do all things. And I explained to him how everything glorifies Allaah then the child asked me does Satan glorify.. More

  • Has reached puberty but she acts childish

    I want to about the following: My daughter reached at her period some few months before while she is now 10 years and 10 months only. But she behaves very childishly; she does still playing, running, jumping, etc. And could not realize that she has become grownup and all religious matters related to her have become applicable. Even we scold her.. More

  • Wants to prevent additional pregnancies

    I have four children. All four have been delivered by C-section. Is it permissible to have a tubal legation, or for my husband to have a vasectomy? We are worried about the risks associated with multiple c-sections. My husband and I would rather that he have the vasectomy, as it is less complicated than a tubal legation; and I don't react well.. More

  • Wants to know her husband's financial affairs

    I want to ask about my husband he give me everything I want but I did not know anything about his salary and how much he have money nothing like this he didn't tell me when I ask him he say the women must not now everything about her husband he think like this and this didn't mean he didn't trust me he say no he trust me a lost but he think like.. More

  • Discarding materials bearing name of Allaah or Quranic verses

    What are the dealings of having Quran or any Tawheed words in your notebook cover? I have cover that is torn out from my notebook and I have Bismillaah and Allaahu Akbar written in there. So I was trying to throw away before that I erased it. I was just curious of thinking that If its sin to throw even though I erased it or if it's Haraam to put.. More

  • Women entering the mosque and leading prayer

    I am writing to you in order to obtain clarification in light of the current event in New York City USA today in which a woman initiated the call for Friday Prayer and proceeded to lead the prayer as an Imaam. The group of people attending prayed together in a mixed group of men and women side by side – no segregation. CNN television news reported.. More