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1224 fatwas

  • Bathing while fasting

    1) Is it true that we should not take bath between 12 noon to 4 pm during the month of ramadhan? 2) can we wear the dress which was worn during menturation without washing it, if nothing is there on it i.e., neither any blood mark nor any smell for salat???.. More

  • Guardian's consent when woman re-marries her ex-husband

    A women who has taken khula, she decideds to marry again to the same person (her perious husband) after about 6months. Does she require the permission of her parents(Wali), if her parents are not agreeing or consent the marriage, will such Nikha be valid. my second question is : Do a consent of an wali is must for any marriage or if their are any exceptions.. More

  • Government offering employees low prices to perform Hajj

    my faher is working in a government office,and every government employe can do the hajj in low cost from the government compare to others. is this is correct or they have do the hajj by paying complete rupees.can it called be a hajj or not. please give the answer as soon as possible... More

  • Supplicating for somebody when he asks us to do so

    Assalamualaikum, When somebody asks us to make dua for them, even though our heart doesnt wish to make dua for him/her, does it becomes obligatory for us to make dua for him/her. when the person said to make dua for him/her, at that time if we did not say yes or ok i will make dua because because i didnt wish to make dua for him/her and just kept quiet... More

  • Divorcing a twice-divorced wife after her waiting period

    Salaam brothers, I have two quick questions in relation to divorce in Islam. 1. If a man pronounces third divorce on a woman who has been divorced twice previously and her second divorce iddah period is ALREADY expired (so she is no longer his wife as he did not take her back within iddah) than is this third divorce pronouncement counted against him.. More

  • Dying the hair black to please one's spouse

    Assalamualaikum My husband is 34 year old with lot of grey hair. Because of this, he really feels bad especially in front of me despite my saying that I don't mind it. Recently when his grey hair became very obvious he bought a black dye and applied it. As I didnot want to hurt his feelings, I didnot argue with him. If a man or a woman is dyeing hair.. More

  • Income earned from a job based on forging documents

    assalamu alaikum, my husband wants to do a busuness that involves doing visa processing for people who want to go to USA , UK etc.....and during dat process he has to make fake documents dat involve...making documents dat are not true...the information he submits is all bank statements , fake property documents, fake certificates..... so.. More

  • Tayammum and removing the state of ritual impurity

    I would like to have detail on the following questions: 1.Does Tayammum purify one Jana bah in the absence of water, inadequate water or other inconveniences? 2.Not saying Bismillah before the recitation of Suratul Fatiha during Salaah, is the Salaah Sufficient? 3.I was in desperate need of Financial Assistance in the situation I could not control,.. More

  • Using microwave oven to cook or heat food

    Assalamu alaikum Is it haram to use microwave oven ? As food cooked in microwave oven can damage health. .. More

  • Turning off the lights during intercourse

    salaam i have 2 question 1. I have heard that it is sunnah to turn of the lights and should be dark room during intercourse is it soo. are there any hadith which tells to turn off the light. 2. does mouth to mouth kissing breaks the fast. is passionate kissing allowed during day time?.. More

  • Building and decorating houses for extravagant people

    i' m going to open a houde building and decorating people spends such more money for building and decorating,and use such expensive matirial.they compete each other in building luxury house and decorating it so beatiful and great in various style,such as Europian style.being as a Muslim ,if we _decorating company decorate such house ,.. More

  • Selling a shop for more than its value

    I mean seling of shop without any things (i am the owner of the busness if we count the sturf is lesthan 20 000 but i sell it more than 100 .. More

  • Burying the newborn baby's hair and umbilical cord

    According to sunnah where to keep/throw shaved hairs of new born baby which is done on 7th day. Also, let me know how to dispose dried departed navel portion of the new born baby?Are those things allowed to burry in the earth?.. More

  • Accusing specific people of having done magic to him

    Salam AlaikumI have a question about those who have been cursed by people. I recently went to a shaikh who said that there was a curse of some sort done on me and my family which probably explains all of the terrible luck we always have and why we're hated and talked about a lot but we've always respected others and all and we never start any problems.. More

  • Charging the owner of his flat more than he actually paid for repaying it

    I rented an apartment and spend some money to make a door and so on … I asked flat owner more money than I spent e.g for a door I took from him 200 $ as per market rate but my friend made it in 150 $ for me . if I ‘ll tell him the truth that its my friend who did me the favor , I know , he will not agree with me and will ask for money which.. More