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1224 fatwas

  • Grandchildren calling their grandmother “mom”

    Salaam alaykum, I have a question concerning my mother-in-law. My son is now 9 months old and the grandchildren have to call their grandmother (my mother-in-law) "mi" which is Moroccan for "mother". I do not agree with this, but every discussion on this point ends with a huge discussion between my husband and me. I consider my child has only one mother,.. More

  • Men participating in matches with women

    aoa wr wb, in the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful. i play a sports for which i joined a league. now in that league i have matches against the opposite gender. i am confused for either to go for those matches or not to. i feel islam prohibits me for that but at the same time also the feeling that its just a match. same like some female.. More

  • Wearing Hijab in hot weather affects her health seriously

    I am very frightened about my neurological illness. In Bosnia I lost most of the use of my right side. I have been battling these worsening symptoms for 5 years. I am also having problems with my eyesight. I don’t feel courageous at all right now. The neurological attack I had in Bosnia came after Jummah Prayers. It was very hot and I was covered.. More

  • Took an oath not to be treated with Ruqyah again

    i have been having problem since my teenage age.I dream of trees with male gentiles having intercourse with me, it come in form of woman or a man.i did not believe i had the problem but now that i have had over six suitors who leave without any reason i belief. I cant maintain a relationship or desire a man completely.i see my self brest feeding babies.. More

  • You have no right to investigate the privacy of your wife

    As-Salaam-Alaiqum I have a question regarding my rights under Shariah as a husband. I recently asked my wife to provide me with her telephone records as well as her bank statements for the past five years. I also offered her the same from my end for a longer duration of time. 10 years worth of bank statements and as far back as I have records for.. More

  • Has two Christian children and wants to marry a Muslim man

    I am a divorced Christian woman with two children from my first marriage. I have been seeing a Muslim man who wants to marry me and has told me he wants me to give him two children of his own seed. He has also told me his children will be raised as Muslims. I do love him and I think he is a wonderful man. If I am raising the two children I already have.. More

  • Her husband is homosexual

    my husband is gay and i have a 3 years old daughter. I am totally dependent on my husband for living. I live in Canada and do not know what to do. He goes to gay clubs every week. I asked a lawyer about the legality of my divorce and she mentioned most probably he can take my daughter from me because I can't provide her with a decent living. I must.. More

  • His wife suspects him and behaves badly towards him

    Salam, I have been married for four months now and we have been having problems. When we got engaged it turned out that my wife did not want to see me. I did not know this until 2 months of our marriage. On the day of the wedding she would not let me get near her. This went on for three days so I talked with my family who told me to talk to her parents... More

  • Ihraam of a person who wants to visit Madeenah before going to Makkah

    Assalam o alaikum. i am going for umrah but first i will go to Madinah, do i need to have ihram on, or go to Madinah then when coming to Makkah put on my ihram. .. More

  • Feels hesitant to marry a girl with whom he has had a relation for years

    Assalamualaikom my elder brothers in Islam. I think I am already quite familiar to you due to my previous inquiries including my recent question (no. 2267640) which i am still waiting the response to it. I've been in long distance relationship with a Muslim girl in almost 5 years and adding my 2 years with her in my college days. Last year, my parents.. More

  • A widow demanding her delayed dowry after her husband’s death

    my husband's father died six months ago. his wife (who is not my husband's real mother) has asked that the family give her the other half of her dowry. is she entitled to this since her husband died and did not divorce her? i feel like she is just being greedy but we do not want to do anything haram by her. we want to do everything by the Qu'ran. please.. More

  • His brother does not abide by his conditions to distribute his charity

    Bismillahi Arrahmani Arrahim. I live in the West and i do not leave with my family. Every month for the last six years i send my families their allowances Alhamdullillah, through my brother to distibute the money to my Father, mother and other family members. But the problem is, always that my brother does not do what i asked him do like give Sadaqah.. More

  • Why Allaah chose Jesus, may Allaah exalt his mention, to kill the Dajjaal

    Why Allah chose only Jesus Christ amongst all the prophets to be sent back to the earth to fight and kill Dajjal. .. More

  • A tennis player is falsely declared winner or loser by the referee

    aslam alekom I am a Muslim student in Canada, and our tennis teacher asked as two questions and he wants the answers in our religion prospective 1-you are playing tennis and your opponent hit the ball and the linesman call it is out and you know that the ball is in, and you win the match. What is the struggle that goes on within you and why? and where.. More

  • Taking ballet classes in a woman-only studio

    Is a muslim women allowed to take ballet classes in a studio with women only? The purpose would not be to participate in performances, only as a pleasurable form of exericse.. More