Is it true that Allaah named all the prophets; like, no man was named Muhammad before Prophet Muhammad orAbraham before Abraham and Noah Before Noah ? Is that true? Please tell me what the meaning is of all the Prophets' names?
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Our Shaykh, we have send your answer (fatwa number: 2604615) to some brothers, but they accuse us of lying about this statement of Qaadhi Abu Bakr Ibn Al-'Arabi's being about major kufr (disbelief) and major shirk (polytheism). They have send us this text in which they pretend that Al-Qasimi says that this is about kufr dune kufr (minor kufr) and not.. More
I am asked at work to send a new year's card to my clients. The card is from the company, we can put a personal message on it, such as, 'looking forward to other successful deals in the coming year.' Is this ok?
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Assalaamu alaykum. If someone has been inflicted with the evil eye and asks for the water of the ablution of that person who caused the evil eye, then what should be the amount of that water? Should he wash his whole body with that water or just the affected part? Can the water of the ablution be applied to a women who is in her menses? Will the water.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I already sent you a question, but I have many questions, so I am sending them to you separately. I have a question regarding kufr (disbelief). From what point is someone a kaafir (disbeliever)? There are Muslims who are collecting things like lucky charms or things like that but without believing in it, is this kufr? Or some may.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. In our country, Bangladesh, many Sufis quote various miracles from the book of Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, named "Ar-Rooh" to prove their claim about the miracles of their Sufi leaders. I want to know in details about this book. Was it really written by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim?
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It is said that no one knows when, where, and how they will die, but ʻUthmaan, may Allaah be pleased with him,knew that he would be killed and also dreamt that the prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam, toldhim that if he continued his fast, he would break it with him. It seems contradictory, and Allaah knows best. Can u answer my question.. More
assalaamu alaykum. I sent this question before I think, but it was not answered properly as you reffered me to another fatwa. Are creed and faith the same? I hear some people say no and some say yes; it looks the same to me, so what is the right view?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I would like to know what the Kursi of Allaah is. I would like to know whether Allaah, The Exalted, has two feet. What is the proof for that? I read that the hadith of Ibn Abbas that says that the Kursi is the place of Allaah's feet is weak. If it is authentic, could you please tell me which Hadith.. More
“Whoever controls his anger when he is able to act upon it, Allaah will call him to come in front of all of the Creation to let him choose from the Hoor Al-ʻAyn (women of Paradise) and marry from them whomever he pleases.” [‘Sahih al-Jami’ #6518] Those who will enter Paradise without reckoning will also get this reward, will they come back.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. It is rampant in Nigeria to claim that a child was born holding a mus-haf that contains six chapters from the Quran in his hand or that another child was born with marks on his forehead which people then claimed to be 'Allaah' in Arabic! I see it as deceptions from the devil; what can you say about it?
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Assalaamu alaykum dear respected Shaykh. Could you please explain the following statement: "The worst Muslim is better than the best disbeliever."
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