I have read in Fazail Amaal (Book of Charity and Hajj) of Tableegh Jamaat. The story is about Shaykh Khair Nurbaf. It is as follows: "The Shaykh said to him, eight days before his death. 'I shall die on Thursday evening, at the time of Maghrib Salaat, and I shall be buried on Friday after Jum'ah Salaat" ....on Friday morning, a man told me about.. More
What should one say when somebody ask our Madhab, i.e. sect we belong to. Can us Salafi? As Imaam Nassiruddin Al-Baani has said it is better to say Salafi rather than just saying Muslim... More
My husband died in a motor accident as a result of my brother-in-law's reckless and very fast driving. My in-law's blame it on destiny and believes that my brother-in-law is blameless for my husband's death along with 4 other boys. I don't agree with them, please tell me with explanation whether I am right or wrong. I believe that Allaah.. More
Allaah says that he punishes those who don't worship Him and don't do good deeds, and gives paradise to those who do good deeds. But where will those who are Muslims yet they don't act on its laws? Will Allaah forgive them or just put them in Fire? .. More
I'm an expatriate in Kuwait and I study in a co-ed school where are students from different nationalities as well as different religions. So we get together often. But my doubt is that are we permitted per Islamic law to perform in certain functions like Christmas carol or so like in coir. I was last year in coir. But since I had the doubt.. More
Recently I have come to know that if a person commit and persist in major sin and die in that way without Taubah (repentance) he will never enter into the Jannah. Many of my relatives who died while they had their account in interest (Ribaa) based banks. I wonder what would be their fate. I have asked my parents to shift account to Islamic.. More
Is it true that if we eat food at the time of Maghrib prayer, our ancestors who are dead cannot get food in Heaven? It's a common practise in my place not to eat during Maghrib due to this reason. Can you please explain in the light of Hadeeth and Sunnah? .. More
What exactly happens after death? Is there a Barzaq where a window is seen through which either breeze from heaven or fire from Hell is felt? And if it is so, then doesn't a person already know that he'll be in Heaven or Hell before the Day of Judgement? So then what is actually judged on that Day? .. More
I'm an Arab that left his home over 10 years ago and I'm very lost and can't control my acts life has no meaning. And faith too but the problem is if I believed in that I would become just another capitalist I don't know where to go. I feel weaker by the day. I don't know if I'm a believer or not any more at least in my heart. .. More
I wish to ask you questions:
a) My senior aunt told me that whenever she closes her eyes, she sees faces of mostly men and no women (she can provide no explanation). Some look serious, some are happy with most beautiful expression, some are this or that. They never speak or say anything. I asked my youngest aunt. She confirmed that too.. More
Please clarify whether the terms "Kufr" and "Shirk" are interchangeable or not. Please clarify the different types of Kufr and Shirk. Also tell me whether persons performing any type of Kufr or Shirk deserve for eternal punishment in hell. .. More
What is the sin or from where is the origin of sin? At some places Allaah says it is Allaah's Will, at other places Allaah asks us to take refuge from Iblees and at other places Allaah says man is responsible-see Ayah, 42:30. Allaah also says unless man changes himself (of committing sins) Allaah will not change His condition-13:11... More
How should we as Muslims view the earthquake that has happened recently? And is there a Hadith mentioning one of the signs of the end of time there will bethree earthquakes? .. More