There are 2032 articles

  • 'Tunisia Revolution not far from Arabs'

    The Arab League's (AL) secretary general has warned that Arab states are on the brink of revolution, calling for an Arab “renaissance.” "The Tunisian revolution is not far from us," Amr Moussa told 20 Arab leaders and other representatives gathered in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on Sunday, adding that the Arabs.. More

  • 'Israel provides weapons for Egypt'

    Israel has provided the Egyptian government with weapons amid the country's popular uprising demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, reports say. The reports followed phone conversations between the US, Egyptian and Israeli defense ministers as the anti-government protests entered the seventh day on Monday. Egyptian Defense Minister Mohamed.. More

  • The known existing Books of Allah- II

    The preservation of the Quran: The Quran is the Book of Allah and the last revelation which abrogated the previous divine books. There is no doubt that this book is preserved from any alteration and falsification. It was transmitted to the Muslims, generation by generation, by absolute evidences. Since its revelation it was kept intact in its written.. More

  • Facts & misunderstandings about the Bible

    In the Quran Allah informs us that He revealed a number of books, including the pages of Prophet Abraham (Ibraaheem, may Allah exalt his mention), the Psalms of Prophet David (Daawood, may Allah exalt his mention), the Torah of Prophet Moses (Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention), the Injeel (Gospel) of Prophet Jesus (‘Eesaa, may Allah exalt his.. More

  • The al-Madhoun assassination

    The Palestinian Authority (PA) has shown operational willingness to cooperate with Israel to kill its own people, the Palestine Papers indicate. Among the documents are notes, handwritten in Arabic, revealing an exchange in 2005 between the PA and Israel on a plan to kill a Palestinian fighter named Hassan al-Madhoun, who lived in the Gaza strip. Al-Madhoun.. More

  • Report: Israeli troops shot dead activists before raid

    Turkey has given information about the Mavi Marmara attack in its interim report, indicating, "it is a central principle of international law that when a state violates its international obligations, it has a duty to make reparations for the wrongs committed and provide for compensation." Turkey submitted its interim report to the interrogation.. More

  • PA selling short the refugees

    At the Bourj el Barajneh refugee camp in southern Beirut, a centre for the elderly serves as an oasis from the overcrowded, filthy conditions outside its metal doors. On a recent Thursday morning, a group of men and women in their 60s and 70s gathered around a table to color and draw pictures, while others solved crossword puzzles. One woman sitting.. More

  • "The biggest Yerushalayim"

    For all the international controversy over construction at this quiet settlement in north Jerusalem, there is little of it in evidence. The controversy came last year, when the Jerusalem municipality approved 1,600 new housing tenders while Joe Biden, the US vice-president, was visiting Israel. But construction has yet to begin, and residents of this.. More

  • Etiquettes with respect to the glorious Quran –I

    Introduction Allah, the Exalted, revealed the Quran, to be a beacon of light that cannot be extinguished. It is a methodology and way of life that is perfect in all respects. In it is strength that cannot be equaled or repelled. It is the foundation of Eemaan (Faith) and the spring of knowledge. Allah willed that the Quran be what quenches the thirst.. More

  • Etiquettes with respect to the glorious Quran –II

    Beautifying the Voice With the Quran You should strive to read the Quran in a nice sounding voice. One who was given a pleasant voice should strive as much as they are able. This should never resemble the style of music and songs. Al-Baraa' Ibn 'Aazib may Allah be pleased with him narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "Beauti.. More

  • Gaza children 'at risk' near border

    Children in Gaza are coming under regular gunfire from Israeli soldiers while scavenging in the ruins of buildings bombed during the Israeli invasion of Gaza in 2009, a new Save the Children report has warned. Twenty-six children were shot by Israeli troops close to the border last year, according to the UNICEF-led working group on children affected.. More

  • The 'new' rhetoric of Islamophobia

    New York City's former mayor, Ed Koch, has taken time off from his new career as a film critic to offer a valentine to Rep. Peter King (R-NY), the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, for scheduling hearings on the "dangers posed" by Muslim Americans. Koch's support for King is not surprising. Koch has always been open about.. More

  • NATO Kandahar attack caused $100 million damage

    Foreign forces in occupied Afghanistan have caused more than $100 million damage to fruit crops and homes during offensive in southern Kandahar province, a government delegation said on Tuesday. In November, the Afghan Rights Monitor (ARM), a human rights group, reported widespread damage to hundreds of houses in the same three districts, home to about.. More

  • Bil'in: A village in mourning

    People say that time heals, but the Abu Rahmah family feels as though it is living in a recurring nightmare from which there is no respite. Their nightmare is set in the West Bank village of Bil'in, which has been cut into pieces by Israel's "separation" wall. It is a unique village: On the front lines of the conflict with Israel, it has.. More

  • The ranks of people in the Hereafter – II

    Those who favour others over themselves: The seventh rank is that of those who favour others over themselves, spend in charity and benefit people with their wealth and other resources. They are those about whom the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said, as in the narration of Ibn Mas’ood, may Allaah be pleased with him: “None except.. More